Scent of Desire by Emmaline Hoffmeister Audiobook Thumbnail

Scent of Desire by Emmaline Hoffmeister Audiobook

Press Release FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Award-Winning Author Emmaline Hoffmeister Launches AI-Enhanced Audiobook for Scent of Desire September 17, 2024 — Emmaline Hoffmeister, bestselling author of Jane Austen Fanfiction novels, announces the release of her latest audiobook, Scent of Desire. This innovative production brings the beloved novel to life as a reader’s theater, featuring distinct voices for each character, created using …

Burden of Innocence; Shaleslip Manor Book 3 by Emmaline Hoffmeister Audiobook

Burden of Innocence; Shaleslip Manor Book 3 by Emmaline Hoffmeister Audiobook

Press Release FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Award-Winning Author Emmaline Hoffmeister Launches AI-Enhanced Audiobook for Burden of Innocence September 12, 2024 — Emmaline Hoffmeister, bestselling author of Jane Austen Fanfiction novels, announces the release of her latest audiobook, Burden of Innocence; Shaleslip Manor Book 3. This innovative production brings the beloved novel to life as a reader’s theater, featuring distinct voices for each character, created …

True Lies; Shaleslip Manor Book 2 by Emmaline Hoffmeister Audiobook

True Lies; Shaleslip Manor Book 2 by Emmaline Hoffmeister Audiobook

Press Release FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Award-Winning Author Emmaline Hoffmeister Launches AI-Enhanced Audiobook for True Lies September 12, 2024 — Emmaline Hoffmeister, bestselling author of Jane Austen Fanfiction novels, announces the release of her latest audiobook, True Lies; Shaleslip Manor Book 2. This innovative production brings the beloved novel to life as a reader’s theater, featuring distinct voices for each character, created using advanced …

Narrow Escape; Shaleslip Manor Book 1 by Emmaline Hoffmeister Audiobook

Narrow Escape; Shaleslip Manor Book 1 by Emmaline Hoffmeister Audiobook

Press Release FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Award-Winning Author Emmaline Hoffmeister Launches AI-Enhanced Audiobook for Narrow Escape September 12, 2024 — Emmaline Hoffmeister, bestselling author of Jane Austen Fanfiction novels, announces the release of her latest audiobook, Narrow Escape; Shaleslip Manor Book 1. This innovative production brings the beloved novel to life as a reader’s theater, featuring distinct voices for each character, created using advanced …